1 lev BULGARIA (2002)

diameter: | weight: | thickness: | alloy: |
24.5 mm | 7.0 g | 2.0 mm | CuZnNi/CuNi |
in the coin centre a figure of the Bulgarian saint patron en face; along the top edge: СВ. ИВАН РИЛСКИ (St Ivan Rilski); along the bottom edge: БЪЛГАРИЯ (Bulgaria); edge of the hendecagonal shape
in the coin centre large face value: 1; along the bottom edge: ЛЕВ (lev)along the right edge year of issue: 2002; edge of the hendecagonal shape
eight plain and eight reeded sections
issue date:
2 IX 2002
withdrawal date:
still circulating
Петър Стойков
(Petar Stoikov)
(Petar Stoikov)
Монетен двор (The Mint), Sofia
2002 | 24 842 000 |
interesting facts:
Saint John of Rila (Иван Рилски 876-946) was one of the most important people for the Greek Catholic Church. He was the first hermit in Bulgaria and today is the patron and protector of Bulgarians. The legend says that he became saint already during his life and had a gift of taming wild animals.
An image of Saint John of Rila on an icon by an unknown artist. The icon is exhibited in the Rila Monastery (south of Sofia).
This coin replaced in circulation a banknote of the same face value, which was issued in 1999.
An image of Saint John of Rila on an icon by an unknown artist. The icon is exhibited in the Rila Monastery (south of Sofia).

This coin replaced in circulation a banknote of the same face value, which was issued in 1999.

last update: 14 X 2012
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