(En) (Pl)

1 lev BULGARIA (1969) 90 Years of Bulgarian Independence

1 lev 1969 Independence of Bulgaria - Bulgarian coins
1 lev 1969 Independence of Bulgaria - Bulgarian coins
thickness: weight: thickness: alloy:
27.0 mm 8.0 g 1.8 mm CuNi
in the coin centre in two lines face value: 1 / ЛЕВ (lev); around it a simplified laurus wreath; along the top edge: НАРОДНА РЕПУБЛИКА БЪЛГАРИЯ (People's Republic of Bulgaria); along the bottom edge year of issue: 1969
in the coin centre a monument Tsar Liberator; along the left edge date: 1878, along the right one date: 1968
issue date:
1 III 1970
withdrawal date:
31 XII 1997
Валентин Старчев, Крум Дамянов
(Valentin Starchev, Krum Damianov)
Монетен двор (The Mint), Sofia
1969 2 150 000
interesting facts:
Tsar Alexander II, named "the Liberator" is a very important figure in Bulgarian history. Bulgarian nation owes him setting them free from Turkish oppression, when after the won war against Turkey in 1878 Alexander recommended a creation of Bulgaria on conquered lands. He proposed modestly his candidature for the ruler of Bulgaria. The throne was eventually taken by Alexander I from Battenberg dynasty, but nevertheless Bulgaria regained independence. To honour the liberator, Bulgarians have constructed a cathedral, given his name to one of the avenues in Sofia and built a monument Tsar Liberator (Цар Освободител) at National Assembly Square in Sofia.

Tsar Liberator
photo: MrPanyGoff; licence: CC-BY-SA 3.0
last update: 14 X 2012

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