(En) (Pl)

2 leva BULGARIA (1972) Dobri Chintulov

2 leva 1972 Dobri Chintulov - Bulgarian coins
2 leva 1972 Dobri Chintulov - Bulgarian coins
thickness: weight: thickness: alloy:
30.0 mm 11.0 g 2.2 mm CuNi
in the coin centre in two lines face value: 2 / ЛЕВА (leva); below year of issue: 1972; along the top edge: НАРОДНА РЕПУБЛИКА, along the bottom one: БЪЛГАРИЯ (People's Republic of Bulgaria)
in the coin centre a head of Bulgarian poet en face; along the top edge: ДОБРИ ЧИНТУЛОВ (Dobri Chintulov); along the bottom edge: 1822-1886
issue date:
25 IV 1973
withdrawal date:
31 XII 1997
Любомир Прахов, Димитър Боновски
(Lyubomir Prahov, Dimitar Bonovski)
Монетен двор (The Mint), Sofia
1972 100 000
interesting facts:
This coin commemorates the 150th anniversary of birth of Dobri Chintulov (Добри Петров Чинтулов 1822-1886) - Bulgarian poet, teacher and composer.

Dobri Chintulov
last update: 14 X 2012

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