(En) (Pl)

50 haleru CZECHOSLOVAKIA (1947-1950)

50 haleru 1947-1950 - Coins of Czechoslovakia
50 haleru 1947-1950 - Coins of Czechoslovakia
diameter: weight: thickness: alloy:
20.0 mm 3.0 g 1.3 mm Cu92Zn8
in the centre the Coat of Arms of the 3rd Republic; below year of issue; along the top edge in two lines: ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / REPUBLIKA (Czechoslovak Republic)
in the centre a wreath of six cereal ears and two lime branches tied with a ribbon; on top face value: 50 (haleru)
issue date:
25 III 1947
withdrawal date:
31 V 1953
Otakar Španiel (signature O ŠPANIEL along the bottom edge of the reverse)
Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnica Mint), Kremnica
1947 50 000 000
1948 20 000 000
1949 12 715 000
1950 17 415 000
interesting facts:
Coat of Arms of the Third Czechoslovak Republic in years 1945-1961.

Coat of Arms of Czechoslovakia 1945-1961
photo: Peter Zelizňák; licence: CC-BY-SA 3.0
last update: 29 X 2012

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