(En) (Pl)

1 kroon ESTONIA (1999) Song Festival in Tallin

1 kroon 1999 Song Festival in Tallin - Estonian coins
1 kroon 1999 Song Festival in Tallin - obverse to reverse alignment
diameter: weight: thickness: alloy:
23.25 mm 5.0 g 1.75 mm Cu89Al5Zn5Sn1
in the coin centre a national bird of Estonia - swallow; below issue date 1999; along the top edge: EESTI VABARIIKI (Republic of Estonia)
in the coin centre a scheme of the festival stage in Tallin; below face value: 1 KROON
three plain and three reeded sections
issue date:
1 VII 1999
withdrawal date:
15 I 2011
Mati Karmin
Lietuvos Monetų Kalykla (The Lithuanian Mint), Vilnius, Lithuania
1999 50 000
interesting facts:
The commemorative coin of 1 kroon from 1999 was struck to commemorate 130th anniversary of the first national festival organised in Tartu. This festival is the most important cultural event in Estonia. It brings huge audience (the top score 150 000 visitors in 1969). It is organised in a five-year cycle on the stage in Tallin. The largest joined chorus consisted of 24 500 performers (in 1969), singing simultanously the same song.

festiwal w Tallinie
last update: 3 VIII 2013

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