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CZECHOSLOVAKIA (Socialist Republic) (1960-1990) - Czechoslovak koruna [CSK]

1 koruna = 100 haleru

On July 11, 1960 the Czechoslovak National Assembly adopted a new constitution submitting Czechoslovakia fully to the Communist Party. The state was officially named the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (Československá socialistická republika), which was reproduced on coins starting from year 1961. The Coat of Arms was changed by replacing Slovak Coat of Arms with an emblem of the unsuccessful Slovak national uprising against Germany in 1944. A five-pointed star was also implemented in an irregular pentagonal escutcheon.

Czechoslovak coins are mostly decorated with the theme of a lime (Tilia) tree (leaves, branches or whole wreaths), because lime is regarded as the national plant of the Czechs and Slovaks.

last update: 28 X 2012

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